So I survived another elimination!
And when I should be happy I am more sad then ever! I had enough!King did a great job by giving all of us (residents and visitors) a complete heart attack. The adrenaline filled the room with the heart attack giving way he did the eliminations. But before that we took a group picture to remember when we are old and our pixels get wrinkles haha

This week the eliminations was extra exiting since 1 old resident was coming back and 4 people had to leave. All residents had to vote for the resident they thought that had to leave the house. Obviously Pannie was the one they thought had to leave! I was totally shocked! Since I didn't vote for her! I never expected her to leave!!!
The 3 residents with the least votes where TheDiva, Phaylen and Kit. Also a surprise there with Kit since she has been up to the second place with the popularity votes ranking. WHAT A SHOCK!
So when I should be happy I am sad.... all my friends left and its just me now. Well there is still Lillani where I am grower closer too... but still I feel alone. I just wanna go home now. While being in here I noticed that it was much harder to be online the hours then I expected. My rl suffers and the only way that I managed to stay in BB was to be around the new friends that I made.... they just brightened my days in BB. But now they are gone.... and so is my spirit to stay.
I'm missing out on allot of stuff while I am in here that I think are important... and I'm missing them. I even lost someone that was very dear to me in this period.. So that's why I am going home. I am asking all my friends and 'fans' to stop voting for me. If u want to vote, vote for Lillani or Allatu. Lillani has worked very hard to win this and so has her friends.... and Allatu ALWAYS did her at most best to help out with our weekly tasks. So if u vote.. vote for them. Offourse the others deserves to win also.. but I am giving you my opinion.
I loved being here and I want to thank
EACH AND EVERYONE of you for giving me this opportunity. I cant explain how grateful I am and how this has been a great roller coaster ride. But its time for me to spread my wings again and be with my loved ones...
I love you all ...... I'm coming home.....